Health and Social Care Services

Health and Social Care for 0-5s
SEND Health Visitors - The Bury Health Visiting service includes a small team of two part-time Health Visitors who carry a smaller caseload to support the families of children with additional needs. Referrals for caseload cases are taken solely from the Bury Health Visiting service. The Health Visitor's also provide training, consultation and a 'step-on' referral process to support the care provision for children with additional needs within the wider service. To access a recording of a zoom information session hosted by BURY2GETHER, please click this link The password is: gJ+M&k8V
Children Community Nursing Team - Work with parents/carers within the Bury area to provide nursing care, support and health education for Children and Young People aged 0 to 18 years (19 years if complex, in full time education or under a paediatric consultant). Web - Tel - 0161 724 2137 Email -
Child Development Centre (Fairfield Hospital) - The centre offers co-ordinated multidisciplinary diagnostic Assessment within one site for children with disabilities or complex medical needs and/ or special educational needs. Web - Tel - 0161 778 3031 Email -
The Paediatric Community Speech and Language Therapy Team (SALT) - provides treatment, support and care for children and young people who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing. Web - Tel - 07562913806 Email -
Continence and Stoma Service - Provides advice around toileting and continence products (nappies, pull ups etc.) for children 4 years plus with continence problems. Referral is through a GP. Web -
Children with Disabilities' Team - The Council's Children's Disability service is based at 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury and provides an Assessment and care management service for children who have a permanent and substantial disability or a life-limiting illness. Web - Tel - 0161 253 6076
Local Health and Social Care Services
The Paediatric Community Speech and Language Therapy Team (SALT) - provides treatment, support and care for children and young people who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing. Web - Tel - 07562913806 Email -
Parents/Carers guidance on supporting Speech Language and Communication for children aged 0-5 in Bury -
Paediatric Physiotherapy Bury Community Services - Paediatric Physiotherapists are Physiotherapists with specialist knowledge and clinical skills to enable safe and effective Assessment and treatment of babies, children and young people. Web - Tel - 0161 2060657 Email -
Bury Children's Community Nursing Team - The Children’s Community Nursing Team consists of Registered Children‘s Nurses with hospital and community experience. The team structure comprises of a Team Lead, a Specialist Diabetes Nurse, a Complex Needs Nurse, Senior Nurses, Staff Nurses, Health Care Support Worker and an Administrator. We work with parents/carers within the Bury area to provide nursing care, support and health education for Children and Young People aged 0 to 18 years (19 years if complex, in full time education or under a paediatric consultant). Web - Tel - 0161 724 2137 Email -
CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services) - Web -
Bury Adult Learning Disability Team - Multi-disciplinary team of Learning Disability nurses, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and psychologists who work together to provide a service for adults from age 18. Web -
Rehabilitation for Independence - Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment services including sensory assessments. This is the organisation that the Integrated Care Partnership commissioned to carry out sensory provision in Bury. Web -
Thrive in Bury Sensory Processing Differences Support Padlet -
Advance Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment services including sensory assessments. Web - Tel - 07538884409 Email -
Community Dentist Service- Dental service for children and adults who have special needs, additional physical or mental health issues. Based at Moorgate Primary Care Centre, Whitefield Health Centre and Radcliffe Primary Care Centre. Web - Tel - 0161 447 9866
Occupational Therapy Service - For children, young adults and adults of all ages. Occupational Therapy provides a range of specialist Assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services for the population of Bury. Web - Tel - 0161 724 2083 Email -
Equipment and Adaptation Team - Assessments for individuals and their carers to identify equipment to make it easier for individuals to live independently in their own home. They can assess for the Disabled Facilities Grant. Web - Tel - 0161 253 5151 Email -
Children's Learning Disability Team - We support children with a moderate to profound level of Learning Disability, their families and carers and who are registered with a GP in the Bury area. Web - Tel - 0161 762 3263 Email -
Children with Disabilities' Team - The Council's Children's Disability service is based at 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury and provides an Assessment and care management service for children who have a permanent and substantial disability or a life-limiting illness. Web - Tel - 0161 253 6076
Continence and Stoma Service - Provides advice around toileting and continence products (nappies, pull ups etc.) for children 4 years plus with continence problems. Referral is through a GP. Web -
National Health and Social Care Services
Changing Places - Toilets meeting disabled peoples needs by providing a height adjustable adult sized changing bench, hoist and adequate changing space. Website includes location map of UK Changing Places toilets. Web - Tel - 0207 803 2876 Email -
Radar Key Scheme - Key Scheme that allows people with disabilities to access more than 9,000 accessible toilets in the UK, without the embarrassment of needing to ask for the doors to be unlocked. Radar keys can also be purchased from Amazon. Web -,ordered%20using%20the%20form%20below.
Bowel and bladder UK - Offer advice and information on all bladder and bowel issues in children and young people including those with additional needs. Range of information leaflets and resources that will help parents, carers, professionals and schools cope with incontinence in children and young people. Web -
Carers Support Services
Bury Carers Service (Contract holder N-Cmpass) - Service for adult carers who are caring for a Bury resident. They provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help adult Carers continue in their caring role. Web - Tel - 0300 303 0207 Email -
Children with Disabilities' Team - (Social Care Assessment) - Provides two different types of assessment: Child and Family assessment and Carers assessment. For carers with children who have a permanent and substantial disability or a life-limiting illness, you can request both assessments. Web - Tel - To access a carers assessment, please contact the Connect and Direct Hub on 0161 253 5151
VCFA Beacon Service - VCFA Beacon social prescribing service helps patients access support and help in the local Voluntary Community and Faith Sector (VCSE) that can help them improve their health and wellbeing. The Social Prescribing Service, helps improve an individual’s wellbeing by connecting them to support through VCSE organisations. Secondly the comprehensive volunteering service also provides numerous opportunities to get involved in your community, make friends and learn new skills. Available for people aged 18 +. Web - Tel - 0161 518 5550 Email -
Carers UK - Telephone advice and support service for carers. Web -
Contact - Provide advice on education, benefits and finances, childcare, social care, medical information and more. Contact hold the national, free helpline for guidance around SEND.
Web - Tel - Free helpline: 0808 808 3555
Contact - Listening Ear Service - Offering 1-1 telephone appointments with a family support adviser for parent carers looking for a listening ear, reassurance and practical and emotional support. Web -
Bury and Bolton Citizens Advice - Offering free, confidential, impartial and independent advice to the residents and communities within the area of Bury Council. They can help with issues regarding debt, welfare, benefits, housing, employment and other problems. Web - Tel - 0161 253 5258
Healthy Minds Bury (Adults service) - Service for people over the age of 16 years, who are registered with a GP in Bury or live in the Bury area. They offer support and treatment for anyone experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of low self worth or panic attacks. Web -
Cerebra - Provide support for families with a disabled child including a sleep advice service, a range of useful parent guides, DLA help guides, a toy and book library and legal rights service. Web -
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation - Charity for people with severe learning difficulties whose behaviour challenges. Support families via workshops, over the phone and peer support groups. Web -
First Point Family Support Service - Post diagnostic and family support for children diagnosed with autism and ADHD in Bury. Web -
ADDISS - ADHD information and support service. for parent/carers. Web -
Young Carers Service - The Bury Young Carers service offers information, support and advice on issues relating to young carers who are looking after a family member who is disabled, has a mental health issue or has a problematic use of drugs or alcohol. They offer one to one and group support and activities for young people aged 7 to 18 years old. Web -
Derian House Children's Hospice - Based in Chorley and offering respite services to children with life-limiting conditions and their families. Web -