Become a Forum Member

If you are a parent/carer of a child or young person with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and live in or access services in Bury, please complete our forum membership form below and you could:
Review current SEND services
Shape future SEND services
Influence new ways of working by sharing your experiences
Join our online peer-to-peer support group
Share our wellbeing library resources
Meet us for a coffee at our 'Care and Convo' sessions
Navigate your SEND journey with help from other experienced Parent/Carers
Join our Parent/Carer training sessions
Volunteer and help to support others
Make new friends with similar experiences
Once a member you can access our private Facebook Chat Group with over 1000 other Parent/Carers and keep up to date with the latest information and events happening in and around Bury.
Please click and go to 'join group', a member of our Admin Team will approve your request.
In 2022, BURY2GETHER gave out £1000 worth of invisible disability lanyards to the SEND community!
Bury SEND Hub
Westminster Avenue
M26 3WD
Facebook: @BURY2GETHER

BURY2GETHER is a 'Department of Education' approved forum that works closely with the charity 'CONTACT'.
Contact Us
'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much'
Helen Keller