Education Services

Education services and Provisions for 0-5s​
Bury Early Help Service - Bury Early Help Service aims to provide support as soon as problems emerge, at any point in a child's life. Bury Early Help Service provide Early Years Drop-in sessions supported by Portage at various locations in the Borough. To view the current timetable, click here: Tel - 0161 253 5200 Email -
Bury Portage Team - Home teaching team aimed at children aged 0-5 years with a delay in their development. Providing advice, support and educational activities to support the child's learning. Contact - Kelly Judd Tel - 0161 253 7609 Email -
Hoyle Nursery - Hoyle Nursery School is Bury's only Local Authority Maintained Nursery School and has a Resourced Provision for children with communication difficulties. Web - Tel - 0161 761 6822 Email -
Free Nursery Provision - Free Nursery Education, also known as Early Education and Childcare (EEC) and Extended Free Entitlement (EFE), is available for all 3 and 4 year olds and also 2 year olds who meet certain criteria. Web - Tel - Early Years Team 0161 253 6977 / 0161 253 7665 Email -
Twinkleboost - Run Speech and Language sessions for children aged 0-5 years at various venues across Bury. Web -
Primary Special Schools and Resourced Provisions
Millwood Special Primary School - Based in Radcliffe. Millwood School is the primary special school for Bury pupils aged 4-11 (we are aware that a limited number of Pre-school children have also accessed this school). The SEN team manages all admissions to Millwood School, contact 0161 253 5642 for any information or query relating to admission. Web - Tel- 0161 724 2266 Email -
ASC Provision at Mersey Drive School - A small specialist Resourced Provision based at Mersey Drive Primary School, Whitefield. Where pupils receive specialist support working at an appropriate level to their needs in mainstream class, small groups or individually. Web - Tel - 0161 766 6298 Email -
Unsworth Primary School - Integrated Resourced Provision for pupils with speech and language difficulties. Web - Tel - 0161 766 4876 Email -
Tottington Primary School - The school has a Resourced Provision for physically disabled pupils. They have the facilities to accommodate up to 10 children inclusively into mainstream classes and are equipped with disabled facilities and Physiotherapy room. Web - Tel - 01204 886169 Email -
Elton Primary School - Pre school Resourced Provision for pupils with severe/profound hearing impairment. Integrated provision for pupils with severe/profound hearing impairment. Web - Tel - 0161 705 2674 Email -
Mill School Bury (Private Independent School) - Mill School Bury is a specialist school for children and young people at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 (Aged 7- 16) with SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) and ASC (Autism Spectrum Conditions). It is an independent school, part of the Kedleston group of schools. Web - Tel - 0161 359 7788 Email -
Secondary Special Schools and Resourced Provisions
Elmsbank Specialist Secondary School - Elmsbank Secondary School is based in Whitefield. Elms Bank is a Bury Local Authority provision accommodating pupils aged 11-19 with Complex Learning Difficulties, physical disabilities and those on the Autistic Spectrum Continuum (ASC). Web - Tel - 0161 766 1597 Email -
Brookhaven School (Shaw Education Trust) - the school is for pupils with Autism and / or Speech and Language communication difficulties. Tel - 0161 850 9196 Email - Web -
Woodhey High School - Resourced Provision for pupils with social communication difficulties. Web - Tel - 01706 825215 Email -
Mill School Bury (Private Independent School) - Mill School Bury is a specialist school for children and young people at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 (Aged 7- 16) with SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) and ASC (Autism Spectrum Conditions). It is an independent school, part of the Kedleston group of schools. Web - Tel - 0161 359 7788 Email -
Education Services and Provisions for 16 - 25s
Elmsbank Specialist Arts College - Elmsbank College Hub is based in Prestwich. Elms Bank is a Bury Local Authority provision accommodating pupils with Complex Learning Difficulties, physical disabilities and those on the Autistic Spectrum Continuum (ASC). Web - Tel - 0161 674 0249 Email -
Bury College - Bury College offers a full range of academic and vocational courses from entry level to level 4. The College has a large 6th Form Centre providing AS, A Levels and diplomas and also provides a wide range of full and part-time university courses. Bury College also works with local employers to provide apprenticeships, short courses, professional work-based training, university and management courses. Web - Tel - 0161 280 8280 Email -
Bury Adult Learning Service - This is a Local Authority service which is offered borough wide. Whether you want to learn new skills for work, develop your creativity, improve your confidence and wellbeing or participate in learning activities with your children, Bury Adult Learning Service will have a course for you. Web - Tel - 0161 253 5772 Email -
Bury Employment Support & Training (Bury EST) - Bury Employment, Support and Training (Bury EST) is a supported employment agency run by Bury Council. Bury EST offer support to customers who are eligible for a Personal budget (or other funding stream) and are looking to increase their existing skills and confidence levels to enable them to fulfil their potential. This could be to become more independent, develop their skills and experience or move nearer the job market. Web - Tel - 0161 253 6588 Email -
Connexions (Bury) - Provides support programmes with activities for young people 16- 18 years who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) helping them to move into work, training or education. Also work in schools, colleges and closely with other organisations and partners. Web - Tel - 0161 253 7733 Email -
Starting Line - Starting Line is a pre-employment training programme for disabled people at the start of their journey into work in the Manchester area. Web - Tel - 0300 222 5742 Email -
Job Centre Plus - Prestwich - For all members of the public that are unemployed. Provides advice on employment, training and benefits. Web - Tel - 0845 604 3719
National Careers Service - National Careers Service will give everyone access to the best information, advice and resources that will help them make more effective choices about skills, careers, work and life. Free and impartial, universal access for all adults over 19 (plus those aged 18 years old who are registered with Jobcentre Plus). Web - Tel - 0800 100 900
Key SEND Education Services and Resources
Bury SENDIASS - SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service) provides free confidential and impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, and those have or may have special educational needs, and their parents. If you are aged 16+ you are able to request support for yourself. Information, advice and support in matters relating to Education, Health or Social Care provision. Web - Tel - 01706 769 634 Email -
Educational Psychology Service - Educational Psychologists work in partnership with families, schools, settings and other professionals to achieve positive outcomes for children and young people aged 0-25 years where there are potential barriers to learning. Educational Psychologists carry out the statutory assessments as part of the EHCP process. Web - Tel - 0161 253 6406 Email -
Additional Needs Team - The team provides outreach advice for Primary and High Schools to support the inclusion of pupils with additional needs in relation to Cognition and Learning and communication difficulties (autistic spectrum disorders). Web - Tel - 0161 253 6430 Email -
The EHC Plan Team - The EHC Plan Team are responsible for coordinating the statutory Assessment process that may lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan. The team is also responsible for maintaining and amending Education, Health and Care Plans. Web - Tel - 0161 253 5969 Email -
Inclusion Service - The Inclusion Service is a Local Authority service which serves schools to meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs, ensuring they can access their education. Key functions of the Inclusion service are : to provide a range of outreach support to schools to support them in meeting pupils’ additional or special educational need, to provide support directly for schools through the Inclusion Partnerships, to lead on development work across the Local Authority in respect of Inclusive Quality First Teaching and use of the Graduated Approach. You can contact the Inclusion Service for support with concerns you may have about how included your child feels at school. Web - Tel - 0161 253 5492 Email -
School attendance and welfare team - Provides advice relating to school attendance matters, prosecution of parent/carers, exclusions and elective home education. Email -
IPSEA - Offers free and independent legal based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities. Can provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations. Web - Tel - 01799 582030 Email -
SOS! SEN - Offers independent and confidential advice for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs. Free helpline and walk in advice centres. Web - Tel - 02085 383 731 Email -
Alternative Provision/EOTAS
IPSEA Guide: Home education - Guidance on home education and EOTAS. Web -
Department for Education - Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) guide
Special Needs Jungle - Article on Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) and Elective Home Education (EHE)
CommuniTree Outdoor Education - a Forest School alternative education and training provider. Forest School Leaders facilitate hands-on, child-led outdoor play enabling children to develop confidence, self-esteem and resilience and to take risks at their own pace and rhythm. Through nature-based play, children learn how to look after themselves, their friends and the environment. Experienced in working with children with a range of needs including: ASD, ADHD, Anxiety and Past trauma. Tel - 0800 086 8837 Email -​ Web –
Outside Education - Outside Education is an alternative education provider, educational club and tuition company. They provide learning experiences with many sessions taking place at their hub in Prestwich or at Heaton Park through their partnership with Incredible Edible. Web - Tel - Phone: 0161 215 9351 Mobile: 07458303205 Email -
Heyhead Farm Education Centre - Bowstone Hill Rd, Bolton BL2 4LS Web - Tel - 07546 066696 Email -
Therapeutic Forest CIC - Forest school sessions led by multidisciplinary team of therapists. Web - Email -
Nisai - Provide online learning for home educated secondary age students including IGCSE and A level qualifications. Web -
Planet Diversity - Provide home learning for home educated children, the majority of which have SEN. They offer dyslexia support and functional skills resources. Web -
Mind Jam - 1-1 tuition service. Mind Jam offers online and private help for children suffering with anxiety, stress and social issues; through positivity, learning new skills and play. Mind jam helps using gaming, coding and game creation, digital music, learning an instrument, song writing and digital art. Specialise in working with young people with SEND. Web -
Outdoor Adventures Forest School - Inclusive forest school sessions for home educating families. Web -