BURY2GETHER Parent/Carer Forum
What is a Parent/Carer Forum?
A Parent/Carer Forum works with Education, Social Care, Health and other services to ensure Parent and Carer voices are represented when designing services for our children/young people and their families.
In England, there are Parent/Carer Forums in almost all local authority areas.
Forums usually have a steering group of parents who lead this work and listen to the views of other parents in the local area to make sure they know what is important to them.
BURY2GETHER Parent/Carer Forum is governed by a Constitution that outlines the aims and objectives of the Forum.
To read more detail about the function of the parent/carer forum, click the button below

BURY2GETHER choose to be part of the National Network of parent/carer Forums - NNPCF.
The NNPCF represents over 93,000 parent/carer members. BURY2GETHER Parent/Carer Forum works closely with our North West Regional NNPCF representative and has the ability to communicate on a weekly basis. The role of the NNPCF is to liaise on a national level with leaders such as Ministers, NHS England, The DfE, etc. They do this in a similar way to forums, by parent/carer representatives joining national strategic meetings.
Read the blog below from the NNPCF, which outlines what Parent/Carer Forums do and don't do
BURY2GETHER Parent/Carer Forum
Our Mission
Grow a representative membership of all Bury families, diversities and needs.
· Empower and upskill Parent/Carers to facilitate Participation and Engagement in Bury.
· Gather the views of Bury families of children and young people with SEND in Bury.
· Deliver and faithfully represent the views of our members through representation at a Strategic Board level.
· Work with the Local Authority, Education Settings, Health Providers and other providers in Bury to highlight where Services are working well and provide a constructive challenge when changes or improvements are required.
· Co-produce Services with the Local Authority, Education Settings, Health Providers and other providers to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND and their families in Bury.
In addition, BURY2GETHER’s secondary aims include:
· To facilitate/co-ordinate/inform Parents/Carers of social opportunities and events in the Bury area.
· Empower and up-skill Parents/Carers and facilitate a wider and richer network around them.
· Enable Parents/Carers to share good practice and learn from one another through peer-to-peer support.
Our Vision
To work to ensure that services meet users' needs to improve the outcomes for families and stop families from challenging as individuals.
The ultimate goal for a Parent/Carer Forum should be to be used as a tool to design ALL SEND services. Parents should take the role of Commissioners.
To provide a secure, comfortable environment in our BURY2GETHER Centre, delivering classes, workshops, clubs and social opportunities for our Children/Young People and Parent/Carers.